Sunday, January 22, 2023

Blog update

After blogging all over the place for many years, I find myself back on blogger. I just merged several old, old blogger blogs and so the posts here are all over the place in terms of time, topics, and the pseudnyms of my kids.  I've reverted to the Little Women ones I loved so long ago, when I had four "Little Women" of my own. 

Well now they are no longer little! And there is a not so little man in the mix.

I hope to import a few more posts from another blog in the next few days, and continue to post here as time allows.

Merging the blogs wiped my followers list, so I hope if  you like what you see here you give me a follow and not get spooked that I've been blogging for 16 years and have ZERO followers, LOL.

 As far as blogging goes, you can occasionally also find me at: 


  1. Hi, I have been blogging since 2002, on my website until 2019. I miss my webhome, but people did not understand my inline frames so I went to blogger. Nice to meet you!

    1. Figured out how to fix the reply bug. :) See my reply to you below!

  2. Welcome Susan! Blogger does seem to be a good place for straightforward blogging. Although already I'm finding it buggy in that I can't seem to reply to your comment! :/ 2002,that is an amazing run!

  3. I've been blogging for a long time though don't quite remember when I started. Several years ago I deleted many posts so I don't even have an accurate record of how many blog posts I've done, lol. I also was trying to start blogging on Word Press but never got very far. However in the last year or more I've been experiencing so many issues on blogger after years of none so I'm not sure how long I will stay on it but I'll be one of your new followers :-)

    1. Thanks for the follow! I blog on Wordpress as well and it was a huge learning curve - especially again after a major upgrade - but once I (mostly) got it, I found it easier than blogger. But I really like the community here, which was a big reason I came back. Good luck wherever you wind up! :)

  4. Gosh, I had to laugh at your "lonely button" of followers. I began blogging in 2008 on blogger and then thought I would go fancy and moved to WIX, where I basically felt like I was on an island to myself. I moved back here and had to start from scratch and for a while only had one follower :) But that's ok because this time I'm writing and enjoying the fellowship, without an agenda.

    1. That's my goal here too! Enjoying the company just for chatty company's sake. :) Thank you for clicking my lonely follower button, LOL! I'm happy you stopped by, and happy for you that you've gained some community back. :)


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