Friday, November 28, 2008

Seven Quick Takes Friday

Stop by Jen's for more 7 Quick Takes!

We decided that instead of going to my MIL's like we had originally planned, we would stay home, because, well, we weren't actually *invited* and it turns out she had other plans, LOL. Plan B was to invite my parents over. We decided to get sick instead. Result was an extremely pleasant and relaxing Thanksgiving with just family. We weren't THAT sick, just contagious enough to keep everyone away.

I'm still sick so my family went to my BILs without me and the baby. Result? I get to stay home and attack my oldest's room while she is gone (*insert evil laugh*).

Oldest's room was SCARY. I found at least 15 socks, some with matches, about 50 hangers she wasn't using (we have a family closet so all she keeps in her own closet are a few coats), candy wrappers, tons of paper scraps, any number of odds and ends really owned by other family members... it looks much better now. The room is 8x10 so it quickly looks like a bomb hit it. I wish I had time to do the other girls' room because that is scary times three (the three being Skye, Jane, and Batty).

The only reason I have time to type this is Jeffrey fell asleep while nursing and if I move he'll wake up.

Does anyone know where I can get boys pajamas that look like a football jersey - that aren't a REAL football jersey because those are too much $$$ ? I've looked everywhere. I thought pajamas was going to be an easy gift!

Something or other brought dh and I onto Facebook the other day. Found a ton of people I had forgotten about, people I went to school with. They all look so different, so OLD. I had Facebook nightmares last night, like being back in high school trying to get into a top college, and the only math class they would let me take was by this old druggie teacher from his book How to Count to Ten Using Rocks and Pebbles. I blame it on the rich turkey dinner.

Taking all the books off of one bookshelf yesterday (to paint, which we never got around to) made me realize I have too many books. I really need to read them and decide whether they are good enough to stay. But I keep getting more books out of the library - usually in some vain attempt to make sense of my life like All You Ever Need to Know to Teach Your Dyslexic Daughter and Cooking With Only Exotic Non-Allergenic and Impossible to Find Ingredients - and I never get to the books I own. Meanwhile my wish list books on PaperbackSwap continue to roll in and I'm drowning in books. Although like I said last week, if I've gotta go some way...


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