7 Quick Takes Friday
I'm loving Jen's new Official 7 Quick Takes Logo. I feel so professional now. :)
I'd forgotten what a good ab workout having bronchitis is. I haven't had this good a workout since...well, since the LAST time I had bronchitis. I won't say how long ago that was, LOL. But wow, what a burn!
I'm still in love with the house I mentioned the other day. Dh, not so much. I keep trying to fall out of love with it, reminding myself of it's shortfalls. All that does is help me come up with ways to get around those. The place has soul.
That being said, dh found a number from our old mailbox this morning on his way out to work, and brought it in to throw away. I burst into tears and said, "Don't throw that out!!" He gave it to me and a minute later as he was leaving for real, I said "Don't laugh at me. What else can I bring with me from this house that has been so monumental in our lives? [first house, all kids grew up here, etc] Ummm, but now, good riddance (house). I'm ready!" LOL I *want* the memento of this house, but I also REALLY want to move into something a little bigger and better laid out. I've got the faded old house number, now get me out of here. ;-)
I'm still trying to climb out under the deluge of toys/stuff from three birthdays and Christmas. People went nuts with Jeffrey. I hate to get rid of stuff so soon, but tell me does he really need TWO walk behind toys/scooters, TWO play phones on a string and one of those doggies you lead around? (and that's just the beginning) Not ONE of my children has ever dragged anything around by a string. Maybe our first boy will, but I can tie one of his other toys to a string if he wants, LOL. Just like all our other kids, this child barely plays with toys, he just wanders around getting in trouble opening drawers and getting into his sisters' stuff. Now, if we were in a bigger home, I could hide it all in the basement and I really wouldn't care HALF as much, but right now this stuff is all under my feet all the time.
Of course with Jane's birthday coming up, it will start all over again anyway (Mom, I reaaaaaallly want the So Hip Cruise Ship, a Ty Girl....) Sigh.
For my 4oth birthday I want either a dumpster or a bigger house. ;-)
Back to the "I want the house, dh doesn't," I'm wondering what my readers do when you and your spouse are on different sides of important issues. What about when it's a dream of yours? I mean, this is not just "What shall we watch on TV" or "Where shall we go on vacation" which if I give in to is over in an hour or a week, so it's easy to always give in. This seems different. But maybe I just really CARE this time. Dh knows, though, that my degree of obsession over something is often not in direct relation to its true worth. I'm having trouble deciding whether he's right (I'm just obsessed and blind to oh so obvious flaws) or I'm right (It's a dream come true - at least for me - and every affordable house will have *real* downsides)
Just call this the "house obsession edition" of 7 Quick Takes. See what I mean about obsession? Hey, it's a dreary and cold January, I'm about to turn 40, we've all been sick nonstop for weeks and weeks. I need something to dream about. So sue me. ;-)
Join Jen at Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes!
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