Thursday, January 15, 2009

Think About These Things Thursday

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Phil 4:8

I have this quote printed out in a huge font and taped to our dining room wall. Yet, in a big way, I fail to take this to heart and actually DO it on a regular basis. Oh sure, I think of good things now and then, but it's usually more like, "Yeah God, I'm thankful for the child you gave us but could you please tone her down a bit?? Just for a few minutes?" Or "Gee thanks for all this yummy food that I can even get with just a few clicks of my mouse, but it would be really nice if I didn't have to cook around 5 different food allergies."


So, because I think Think About These Things Thursday just sounds nice, I'm going to remind myself of how I should set my mind all the time. In a "daybook/meme" sort of way. Since I haven't done a daybook entry in half since forever.

Whatever is true...
My husband loves children loves God loves me...and He doesn't expect perfection, he just wants me to try ... we can watch Cosmeo videos all day for school because I'm sick and it's OK. If I present it with love and we have a good time, it's more than OK, it's good.

Whatever is honorable...
because I'm sick as a dog this morning and have to take the kids out to the orthodontist, St. DH tried to do as much as he could for me before he left for work, even though he hurt his ankle again and was limping around to do it. (Actually, HE didn't hurt his ankle again, he went to the doctor for an unrelated reason, and the doctor poked and prodded it and it hasn't been the same since!)

Whatever is just...
Although I'm not particularly happy (yet) to be sick, it is certainly just, as I haven't been eating as well as I should and have been allowing God's peace to be stolen from me. Plus, the more I accept suffering, the more love I can grow to have. And I certainly could use more of that. (There are other definitions of "just" but this is working for me for now) :)

Whatever is pure...
The dusting of new fallen snow...the intentions of my 3-year-old despite how her actions appear to me...the joy my youngest two had monkeying in front of the mirrored desk at our appointment ... a rare long snuggle time with my 5yo this morning as the sun was rising

Whatever is lovely...
Again with the new fallen snow...the warmth of a thickly knit own knitting project that is actually coming out nicely so far and is not (yet) a tangled mess of buttercup colors that make me smile ... the brace filled smile of my oldest with new "silver and gold" rubber bands that she's so proud of

Whatever is gracious...
The kind lady at the orthodontist smiling warmly at my goofy horde of children ... the dyslexia tester gushing with compliments for my oldest

If there is any excellence...
The efforts of a reluctant child folding towels and t-shirts...

If there is anything worthy of praise...
again with the t-shirts ... the loving way the girls made lunch for everyone today ... the efforts of St. DH at work despite stress and broken promises

...think about these things.


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