Monday, September 21, 2009

Ode to a Chalkboard

O brand new chalkboard
Don't ever want to write on you
So perfect and black

I finally decided it was time to start LIVING in this house that we are all living in, instead of just holding our breath, doing nothing, and hoping someday soon we'd be out of here. So while it's probably not the typical dining room decor, I'm loving our new chalkboard. Dh says it's nicer than the wallpaper it's covering! ;-)

I was thinking of doing a Simple Woman's Daybook entry for today, but every part of it would look like this:

I'm thinking... about my new chalkboard
I'm thankful... for my new chalkboard
I'm noticing... how nice my new chalkboard looks
From the learning rooms... a new chalkboard!

Breathe a big sigh of relief I'm sparing you the rest. :)

Grace just asked to do spelling, so I need to run ... maybe I'll put her spelling words on the new chalkboard.


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