Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Say it with me now, homeschoolers...

It's spelled "curriculum". CURriculum. NOT cirriculum. ARG!

We're homeschoolers, people, don't make us look bad! Learn to spell the one word you will have to use over and over for the next however many decades!

I "get" typos, occasional mispellings of words, mistakes...this is different in my mind. This is from people who should know better, spelling a word like that because they think that's how it's spelled! Aaaah!

OK, rant off.

(don't even get me started on people who say they "have something for sell")

ETA: ROFL! Did you catch how I spelled "misspelled" above?? Totally an accident, although I *do* know how to spell that one, it just got away from me as my typing fingers are faster than my brain most of the time.


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