Counting my many blessings...
17. My blog readers willing to hop over here and answer my silly questions.
18. My reaction to a single line on a certain test, which even though it's what we say we need, makes me understand I still care, that my *heart* is in the right place
19. Two wonderful weeks off with dh, and the grace to start fresh today
20. My 4yo's multitudinous drawings, all of which say "I ♥ you mom" - literally and figuratively
21. Michael Clay Thompson's language arts series. We are all loving it, and break out into Grammar Rock songs on a regular basis
22. 10yo's new glasses and her willingness to wear them
23. Warm blankets
24. Knitting needles and crochet hooks...even though they are empty and staring at me accusingly ;-)
25. Vitamin C
26. Latin DVDs and CDs.... ♫ dona nobis pacem...dona nobis pacem... ♫
27. HTML
28. Two year old boys in footie pajamas
29. Crunchy cut up apples shared between siblings (and their Mama)
30. Epiphany! It's very special around here.
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