Friday, August 27, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes


I know I'm not the only one to be thinking this, but where did the summer go?  I can't believe it is almost the end of August already.  That may be because we haven't really taken a full school break or a vacation yet.  The summer felt no different than the spring or winter to me, except for the fact that I was wrestling with the lawnmower every weekend instead of shoveling snow. :)


Speaking of lawnmowers, my darling husband just hired someone to come cut for us, so that I didn't have to. THANK YOU St. DH!  Although I must admit that after the guy was done I looked outside and said, "It looks better when I do it." LOL!  So much for humility.   I think the lawn guy cuts it a little higher than we do, so it isn't as "crisp" looking. I know it's better for the lawn though, so I can't complain! And it's certainly better for me.  I don't have the energy to be wrestling a mower in 95 degree heat on a 45 degree hill.


I've been getting nasty eyestrain (and a yucky nauseous feeling with it) after any length of time on the computer.  Stinks!  Wondering if they make mid-distance glasses, because the reading glasses are for too close and my distance glasses are for farther than a computer screen. I know I can't be the only one that has this problem.  Well, the *major* problem may be more unique - I have one eye that sees well for close up, and the other eye sees well for distance, and because I don't wear my glasses enough my other eye has been shutting off - one for distance and the other for close up! I think I totally freak out my head when I look at something  18 inches away for too long.   I know I should just wear my glasses, but they are big and bifocally and I don't like them.  And then when I take them off, my eyes really go wacko and I feel immediately dizzy.


I just made some hard lotion bars for my dd to help with her eczema. It was really simple - melt 1/4 cup each of shea butter (solid kind), beeswax, and coconut oil over a double burner and pour into molds.  Pop them out when they cool, and that's it! You just rub them on your hands like a bar of soap and the warmth of your hands melts a little lotion off.  They have a kind of funky scent if you have a sensitive nose, but I'm sure you could add a little fragrance.  I didn't want to mess with that with my super-sensitive DD.  If she tolerates the lotion well, I'll make a nice smelling batch for her and see if she tolerates that too.  She says she doesn't notice the smell though. Just as well!


All you 4Realers, turn away, I have a confession to make.
We don't really get into picture books here.
There, I said it.
I could turn this into a humongoid post, but I don't really want to get into it! Suffice it to say, I tried, and I loved how beautiful it seemed, but my kids could care less. All of them.  Now, historical fiction chapter books are another story, but I don't think my kids would mind if 80% of the picture books we own were to disappear tomorrow.

Hmmmm, I feel like I just ran into a PETA meeting eating a big bowl of Kentucky Fried Chicken and loving it. :-P


Y'ever feel like you just don't fit in anywhere?
Mother Theresa was right when she said that the worst poverty is the lack of love and friendship (or something like that).   Money's nice, I appreciate a roof over my head and food in my belly, but I would really like some IRL support too.


Gotta run! Dh just finished putting the baby to bed and it's our date night.  Speaking of THE BABY, he is going to be THREE next month. THREE!  When did that happen?   It is so weird not to have another baby coming.  And (shhhhh....I'm really loving it). (I am so not a baby/toddler mom.) (Truly, I stink at it).

(See note about running into PETA meeting above).

Don't all unsubscribe me at once. :)

For more quick takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


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