Monday, August 09, 2010

Thank you

Thank you to those that sent a little prayer love my way after my little bloggy temper tantrum. I'm not exactly feeling better about it all, BUT I don't think this poor little blog needs any more drama right now so I deleted both posts. Your prayers and kindness mean the world to me though.

Since my garden is dead and overgrown -- I mean seriously, who can't grow zucchini??? Apparently, me -- I'm going to change my template to something else fall-like. I know it's only the beginning of August, but I'm so done with the 90+ degree temps and I'm itching to get into some new fall routines.

I could blather on and on, but it's probably best that I don't.  Here's a (pdf) link for you: Mathematician's Lament on math and the sad state of math education, among other things.


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