Thursday, November 04, 2010

Oooo, this is getting harder...Thankful on a Thursday

I *could* look through my days and find the little things to be thankful for (raspberry iced, but I feel God urging me strongly to be thankful for the difficulties right here goes:

1. I'm thankful that I'm sick. It gives me time to think, things to offer up, compassion with others who are struggling, brings me closer to God.

2. ...that dh has to work a gazillion hours (from work and home) this week/weekend.  Because it makes me stronger, reminds me to pray for him, brings us money, the loneliness brings me closer to God.

3. ...that dh is in pain today. (Yikes, just saying this is making me can I be thankful?? ...)  because it makes him stronger, brings him closer to God, gives me something to pray about, allows me to spend myself serving him (and Him), brings me closer to God.

4.  ...for the rain (this one is easy!) because it cancels soccer practice tonight! :)

5.  ...that Jeffrey is going through a really rough stage, because it forces me to pay more attention to him, to hug him more, to love him more (not that I didn't before! but it increases the depth of our relationship), to -- if I do this right -- show him God through myself.

6  ...for the difficulty I will have with my weekend  (ROFL, I typed it "weakend!" ain't that the truth!) being 6 places at once all the while worrying about dh...because it forces me to be humble, to ask for help of someone I hate asking for help, because only in my weakness and impossibility can God show His grandeur, and ....say it with me ... it brings me closer to God.

Because isn't that what it's all about?


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