Friday, November 05, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes

1. Lest you think I'm all holier than thou about being thankful for hard things, trust me, I'm not. All those words were trying to convince me to *feel* thankful.  But since it's true that we can be loving without really feeling loving, I figure I can be thankful without actually feeling anything that, ummm, remotely feels like thankfulness. ;-) It's more of a "I feel awful about all this, but You say You love me - even though it feels like the opposite - so I'll try to believe You. And since you are God, and You love me, this must be for my own good. Somehow. I think. So for that I'm thankful.  I think."

2. Note to self: if you are going to IM your husband at work with cheery little messages, make sure he's not in a meeting, doing a presentation using said software.  Yikes.  

3.  My five year old has gone on a drawing rampage. It is all she does from the moment she wakes up and I see her walking down the hall with a piece of paper and a pencil in her hand, to the moment she goes to bed dragging the whole tool turn-about filled with drawing implements, paper, and books to lean on with her.  This child will go far some day!


5. Anyone with me on a pre-Advent purge of stuff?  We have two birthdays coming up this month, and then Christmas.  Time to look through things -- yet again -- and make room for the onslaught I know will happen no matter how much I try to prevent it.

6.  As this might be my only post today, I'm thankful for: hot showers on cold mornings, that my dh survived a crazy day at work (more to come!),  ibuprofen, ice water, grace.

7.  Stop reading if you don't want to hear me whine about being sick.
I've got the worst sore throat.  The kind that keeps you up all night because you can't swallow without wimpering.  To add insult to injury, this virus also seems to have put my salivary glands into overdrive. So I have this intense need to swallow with a very strong desire not to.   On a self-improvement note: if my purgatory time is going to be worse than this, I am getting all the more motivated to avoid it at all costs.  Off to say some sweet words to my children.

For more 7 quick takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


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