Friday, December 17, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes

1. It broke.    :(  <---- a  part of my heart looks like this little man. It broke! My gift from Mary! What does this mean??   At first I felt abandoned and unprotected. (note: not because I didn't have the medal on, like a good luck charm, but because of what it represents, and if God really did mean that gift to represent my Holy Mother and a gift from her, then when it just falls off *like that* ....well, I'm left thinking, like I said, What does this mean??)

But I feel a little whisper in my soul..."It's alright. Sometimes things have to go wrong for you to get the better part."  Whoa.  In this case, like a new, well made necklace that I had been wanting. I wanted a Miraculous Medal necklace for Christmas but didn't want to take off Mary's gift. Good timing, huh?

However, I need to apply this lesson to other parts of my life - big time.  If only they hurt as little as a necklace falling off.

2.  I'm loving Trader Joe's Pear Cinnamon Cider at this time of year. Cold or Warm. Yum.  Festive tasting!

3.  I think this winter is going to kill me.   My 3yo son doesn't "get" winter clothes and winter in general and so when he finally gets outside with the girls (after bugging us since last night) and gets snow on his mittens, he then whines to come inside, tracking slush/snow all through the house to find me to demand clean mittens.   Kid, you are going to get snow on your mittens, IN your mittens, up your pant legs, down your socks, and in your hair. Get used to it.

4.  This looks like a good point to tell you of my next latest obsession, spiked hot chocolate.   One cup hot chocolate, one glug Kahlua, one dash Chambord. Ahhhhhh.....

5. Next month marks two years I've been actively obsessively searching for a new house.  I'm tired. You'd think in all that time, in a bad market where houses sit forever, we'd find something better than what we own. But no. Seriously, each house that has come close has had something majorly wrong with it. Like a huge bathroom built up on stilts like a deck, next to my dh's now-ex-boss.  But that was one great house.   Or the house across the street from the armed ex-con that had a half-day armed stand off with police where they barricaded the whole street off for four hours.  We would have been able to watch THAT from our living room! Fun! Another awesome house in a nice neighborhood (just a scary neighbor).  We could settle for any number of run down, small houses, with small backyards in unsafe neighborhoods...but that's what we are trying to *avoid* here.   P.S. Our realtor is a saint.

6.  I just went outside in a pretty foul mood to take out some old smelly garbage... then saw some quaint little birdie tracks in the snow. My mood lifted a bit. As I got closer to the garbage cans, I saw some bunny tracks. Oh!  Then a cat! By the time I came back I was *almost* happy.  Too bad I had to walk back inside the house...

7.  Boy, am I a grinch today, sorry for the downer post!  Think I need to go reread my #1.  Call a snow day and stick a movie in?  Drink my #2 and #4?   Or just tell everyone to... on over to Jen's for more Seven Quick Takes that are sure to be nicer than mine!! :)


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