Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Kicking myself

Note to self:  Next time you have a large work in progress, don't stop in the middle of it unless you are sure you put the directions WITH the piece.   This Sunday I finally pulled a 1/3 finished afghan out of storage after 6 months or so.  I can't remember how to do it!  I remember just enough to be dangerous...what I'm doing doesn't seem to match up to what I did.  I hesitate to say where I found it because I don't want the website owner to waste her own time looking for it.  And I'm in just such a mood that even if it WAS found I don't know if I want to do it anymore.  I don't know why. Such a little snit I am lately.

I think I'll stick to coasters from now on. For dollhouses. :-P

ETA:  I found it.  I was going to just delete this post, but what the heck, you guys already know I'm a lunatic, LOL!  I forgot about ravelry...and I had saved it there, thank goodness.   I should force myself to finish it, "just because".

For anyone interested, it was this.     Jenn, I know you posted about it first, but I didn't want you to go searching your site for it! :)


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