Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wii Are Getting Fiiter Every Day!

Hands down, the favorite Christmas gift around here is the Wii Fit Plus.   The children all pooled their money to buy it for each other.  Really, it's a win-win, since A) they all like it, B) it helps them get fit, and C) 5 children times 5 cheap little gifts each adds up to one huge post-Christmas-clutter-disaster.  The Wii Fit sort of avoided all that!  It's still inevitable here, but it could have been much worse.

Honestly though, my favorite reason we have Wii Fit is.... me.   Since getting it I am actually exercising. EVERY day. NOTHING has ever motivated me before... not since high school, at least.  The stress of the last few months   few years   decade has done nothing good for my health.  I had gained weight in a big way for me since weaning Jeffrey, and it was all in my middle - the "stress spot".  Since getting the Wii Fit, I have exercised 19 days (sometimes more than my 30 minute morning routine) and can honestly say my pants are fitting better around my middle.  Instead of looking 5 months pregnant, I look 4!  LOL  I have not lost any weight yet, but I haven't gained either.

Besides my clothes fitting better, I can tell (by my scores) that I am getting stronger and better able to control my movements and balance.  I feel like I am standing up a little straighter, although I have awful posture in general so I've got a long way to go here!

Another great benefit is that I can just turn it on at any time when I am feeling anxious and run or march or otherwise work off the angst.  It seems to help me stop that slide into a full blown anxiety attack. I find that if I  do a quick aerobic activity, then immediately go do something I need to do for the house/school -- like throw laundry in the drier, it jumpstarts me back into life.

I'm sorry to sound like such a commercial, but I am so excited that I am sticking with this.  It is FUN.  I don't need exercise equipment that we don't have room for, I don't need child care, I don't have to go out in the cold at 6 AM,  I just walk down the stairs in my PJs (T-shirt and sweatpants) and turn on the TV! Woo hoo!   Because it is so customizable, I can do calm activities or stretches first if I am really tired, or just jump in full force after a warm-up on those rare occasions I wake up refreshed.  Sometimes the kids wake up and cheer me on!  A "Go Mommy!" from a little boy in footie pajamas can be highly motivating. :)  So can beating the pants off your 13yo.

Soon I am going to sit down and plan out daily routines for them as P.E., since there is much less outdoor and sports time here in the winter.

I think it's the perfect thing for this couch potato geeky family. :)


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