Monday, February 28, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...
it was raining this morning but seems to be clearing up.  Still cloudy but a bright cloudy, if that makes sense to anyone but me who actually sees it, lol.  It's supposed to be warm-ish today, yay!

I am thinking...
that there's nothing like being woken up at o' dark thirty by a policeman at your door. (some neighborhood vandalism...he was just wondering if we had seen anything)

I am thankful for...
the neighborhood vandals not paintballing OUR car...and that it was nothing more serious than pink paint all over a car and the street

From the learning rooms...
I'm thinking about next year.  I haven't gotten THIS year straightened out, not sure why I'm thinking about next year then.   Hope springs eternal, I guess. NEXT year will be different. Right.

From the kitchen...
something to do with chicken.  I bought boneless, skinless chicken which I almost never do, as we always crock pot a whole one and have more chicken than we can stand that way. :)  But it was on sale...and now I'm not sure what to do with it.  Thinking....

I am wearing...
a bathrobe *blush*.  This is NOT like me.  Maybe I don't shower first thing every morning, but I don't hang around in a bathrobe all day.  Not saying anything about YOU if YOU do that, but I just don't. :)  But I wanted to do a wash that contained the clothes I was wearing.  So now they are clean and I am dirty and in a bathrobe. :)

I am creating...
nothing at the moment, but I am helping my 13yo finish the fingerless gloves I started. She caught on fast and is almost done.  Very good for a first real project of knitting.

I am going...
um, crazy?  Same ol' same ol' around here, otherwise.

I am reading...
FINALLY my birthday came and I got my gifts - Small Steps for Catholic Moms and One Thousand Gifts .  So I am reading and loving both.

I am hoping...
I can learn to "sing for joy to the Lord" despite the fact the my heart always feels like it's breaking in a million pieces.

I am praying...
for my husband
for many online friends and their families
for the neighbors (with the newly-pink car) :(
a new house for us. Please? Please?? Please???

I am hearing...
Juliet having a stuffed animal picnic with Jeffrey, and him cutting the pretend cake with the saw from his workbench.  I love how a little boy can mix picnics with power tools.

Around the house...
Clutter. Ugh.  What more can I get rid of??

One of my favorite things...
my husband's smile. Lights up my world.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
swimming lessons, praying, wondering about Lent, I'm sure there is more but I am blanking.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing..
We saw the Wienermobile a while ago - even though my kids thought it was weird (and Jeffrey screamed the whole time!) they now can't stop singing, "I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener..." :)

For more daybooks, please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook! 


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