Friday, March 11, 2011

Five Minute Friday: I feel the most loved when...

This week's theme for Five Minute Friday is "I feel the most loved when..."

The goal is to write for 5 minutes, just letting my words be "me." No editing or worrying about it.


I feel most loved when people really listen to me, hearing what I'm saying instead of getting defensive about it, or hearing only what they want to hear.

I feel loved when people don't tell me how to feel, but let me be myself, pain and all. Accepted.

I feel most loved when those I love accept me because of who I am, not despite it. Who I *really* am, not who you want me to be, or who you are pretending I am.

I feel loved when I am remembered - a little email or letter or tiny gift makes me know they were thinking of me, that I'm not as invisible as I feel.

I feel loved when those under me in the totem pole of authority obey me. Yes, I'm one of those moms...but it only means you listen and care when you do what I ask!

I feel loved when there is peace in my home.


OK, that was harder than I thought it would be!

To see what others are saying for Five Minute Friday, visit The Gypsy Mama!


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