Thursday, April 07, 2011


I've moved my posts to a private journal. Two days ago I deleted all 230+ google reader feeds I followed. It's an offering to God of my time and my very self, for a very special intention.

I am sorry, truly sorry, I've been caustic here, not who I want to be. The pain in my life spills over here, with no one in real life to listen.

This is not goodbye, necessarily. Just good riddance to bad blog rubbish.

I'm searching for peace and quiet, and praying for all of my readers. I'll be back when I have something peaceful to say.


  1. I have never found you to be caustic, only beautifully honest. In your trials, and your truthfulness, you have really showed me the worth of striving to be the best you can for God.

    I'm sorry you don't have anyone in real life to listen to your pain. I know the desire to seek someone in the world out there (ia, via internet) to listen - but I think you are wise to actually turn to God instead. The best listener of all.

    I pray for you to find peace and quiet within yourself, and I wish you all the best.

  2. By the way, can I add that I loved your previous post about Wilma, and agree with you completely. (I also am a Creationist, and I do think there is good evidence for both a young and old earth.) I found the representation of Wilma really disrespectful, and I believe several others have too. I think your perspective was a loving one.

  3. Amy, big hugs. I always find your posts to be delightfully open and sincere. They aren't complaining, but showing a true woman, who has many, many sides. It is the personality of a woman to NEED release of pent-up emotions. It's not a negative to mention the pain. Crosses don't have to always been borne alone. We are the Mystical Body, and we share in each other's joy, pain, and sufferings.

  4. Oops sorry, now I feel silly! I wondered why you were posting about a really old issue .... I just figured out that all your old posts had turned up in my Reader. Blush. You are welcome to delete my previous comment and this one too. Blush again. Sorry for cluttering your comment box just when you are seeking quiet!

  5. Amy, I always enjoy coming to your blog. Your kind tone and the way you are so honest and open about things that are tough is so refreshing, especially for someone like me who has a hard time expressing myself. Sending you lots of hugs in the hopes that you will find peace, and you will be in my prayers.

  6. Hi Amy,

    You do not sound caustic to me ... rather, wry and sometimes in a lot of pain. I like your honesty and your unwillingness to airbrush your online appearance even while you strive to improve. Anyway I wish you the best wherever God is leading you with your writing and your life.

  7. Oh, and I've always loved your haikus and your number-crunching! I don't know many other people who do both those things! Love, Willa

  8. Oh, Amy!!

    I stopped by to see
    a blog friend I'd neglected,
    only she had gone.

    I haven't been around anywhere blog-wise lately. I saw your haiku post, and clicked over to see the new header that apparently failed to capture the elusive you -- only to find *this!!*

    I'm not sure what you mean by caustic -- I've always found you to be exceptionally (and, in the sometimes surreal homeschooling blog world, downright refreshingly) "real."

    And even if I don't click over often, you actually are on my mind -- especially when my dh & I are looking at houses ... houses we surely will never buy ... (my stepdaughter calls it our "hobby.") I've often thought that when people seem to come randomly to mind, it's a call to pray for them. Lucky for you, we look at houses online nearly every night!! :)

    I've been an off-and-on blogger for more than a year now, so I know all about taking time off. But I've never "announced" such a thing -- seems so final! ...

    Still, your blog, your rules. That's how we roll. I'll still keep you on my blog roll (Hah! I've still even got your old blog on my blog roll!), just in case. And, blog or not, you'll still be in my thoughts and prayers.

    (Oh -- and many, many apologies for the bad haiku! I haven't written one since 4th grade. And those stunk, too) :)

  9. Thank you all. So much!

    Like I said, it's not forever. And I had other reasons not spoken here. I can explain privately.

    Eileen, I liked your haiku. :)

    Gotta go get a sleepy boy into bed before it's too late!

  10. You are a dear person with whom I can relate. I'll keep checking back, and when you are ready, keep relating with you!

  11. Amy, we definitely need a girls' night out. I am all ears :) I'm so glad the Lord brought you into my life.

  12. I made a similar decision about a year ago -- but just popped over to 'catch up'. I hope your break is fruitful and may God answer your prayers!


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