Friday, February 15, 2013


From The Little Flower by Mary Fabyan Windeatt (written from the point of view of St. Therese of Lisieux as a young teen):

Marie had left us on October 15 for the Carmelite monastery. A few weeks later Our Lord worked the miracle I had desired so much. Early on Christmas morning, after I had received Him in Holy Communion at Midnight Mass, I realized many things which I had never thought of before. I saw God as a little child, seemingly weak, yet holding in His hands the power to rule the universe. He had taken to Himself human flesh and blood, thereby elevating the whole human race so that it shared in His strength.  In an instant He let me see that I was meant to use my share of that strength, not to doubt it. By myself I was a creature of tears and sighs and complaints, but with Christ as a brother I possessed courage beyond my wildest dreams.

Dear Lord in Heaven, and all your angels and saints, pray that I understand this too!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this quote, and the one on creativity. Thanks Amy!


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