Thursday, October 24, 2013


I wasn't having a party without you.

I've opened this blog back up after making it password protected for awhile.  I needed my space, to process, mostly.  I haven't posted anything here since closing it -- I needed to be strictly in my own life and in my own head without spilling over here.

A week or so ago I opened up Epiphany Springs again (, but took off all the posts which I had already imported here anyway.  I'm posting my haiku and other poetry there now.  I felt weird putting things on Haiku of a Homeschooler when I'm only 1/5 the homeschooler I used to be. ;-)

I don't know if I'll post here much, we'll see.  I feel like I'm moving on from here, my life has changed so much.  I'm trying to do a poem at least every other or every few days at Epiphany Springs though.  Comments always welcome but I know it's hard to know what to say about 17 syllables, LOL.

I will get you up to speed so that my poems might make more sense if I get into personal stuff - my reunion with my birth mother is going wonderfully well, and we'll meet some time next month.  I'm facebook friends with several other relatives and everyone's been welcoming. I have no other siblings that I didn't know about, but many cousins.  At the same time it is ALL so VERY complicated in my head.  I have not really processed and am just going with the often be blind sided by tears I have no time for. I don't want to hurt my adoptive parents either... I so wish life were simpler.

Jeffrey has been taken off all his medications for rheumatoid arthritis because he's been doing so well for so long. There is a chance this is a permanent remission. I'm cautiously overjoyed. :)

I got my braces off this week!

Skye, Jane, Batty, and Jeffrey are settling in well to school.  I *definitely* am already sick of the amount of pre-testing, test prep, and testing there is. Where's the real learning?  I'm not even talking standardized testing... just the amount of "fill in these blanks for homework and then there's a quiz on it tomorrow and a test on it Friday" type of stuff.  Not to mention the paperwork and rules and deadlines for me. I feel like I'm  working twice as hard as I was with them homeschooling!  But they are making friends, which we didn't have.  Skye is looking at high schools.   Dh is looking at his bank account dwindle, LOL.

I've missed visiting with you all here.


  1. Amy it's wonderful to hear your voice again! {{hugs}}

  2. Great to "see" you Ellie! I'm sorry I haven't visited much, it seems that blog reading went the way of blog writing these last few months!

  3. I have missed you! I'm so glad to read of all your happy news! This is all good!

    I'm glad your girls are enjoying the social aspects, but I totally hear you about the test prep. It's overboard.

    How is your dh's back?

  4. Hi Jennifer! Dh's back is about the same. He's not in horrible pain, thank God, but he still can't *do* anything. Other than going to work every day, I mean! Which is huge. You and your own medical issues have been in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. I've missed you, Amy! Congrats on getting your braces off; that must be a nice milestone. When we enrolled in K12 Virtual Academy the testing was ridiculous, so I'm not surprised that that reflects schools in general!

  6. Hi Willa! Thanks! :) I've missed you too.

  7. It's great to hear an update about your birth mother!!! I have been praying that it all goes well. Overwhelming as it is, I do pray that you continue on that road as God leads you. Wonderful, wonderful news!!! : D

  8. Thank you Inge! I hope you are doing well! When are you due?

  9. I am doing great! I have had to be more organized this year with homeschooling which is a big help, because of the “pregnancy brain forgetfulness:" as my little boys like to call it! I am due February 1st!

    It is also wonderful to hear about your kids in school too, making friends and all. It’s always an ache in a homeschooling mother’s heart for her kids to connect and branch out! You have built a great foundation for them to grow on! : )


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you