Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing

 Doing my first "Sunday Stealing" post where the questions are taken from all over the internet.  Enjoy!1. when did you last sing to yourselfProbably this morning, but I don't typically sing out loud.2. if you’re male, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re female, would you ever rock really really short hair?I once had an accidental very short haircut - accidental in that I asked...

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Share 4 Somethings - January 2023

I'm linking up with Jennifer at Overflowing with Thankfulness for Share 4 Somethings Saturday! The prompts are: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned, and Something I Ate --in January.Something I loved:I have loved -Meeting so many nice new bloggers this month - I had thought...

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thankful Thursday

 Things I'm thankful for blogging friends and followerspeople who read blogs without a lot of pictures, because adding a lot of photos is just one too many things most daysmy wonderful husband and kids (of course this should be first) :)what I am learning about nervous system health...

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Wednesday Weirdness

a recent pretty sunriseI heard someone say "the turn of the century" like it was ancient history and I was thinking, "Oh, around 1900" but no, they meant 2000 and now I feel super old.***************************A few days ago I woke up and was sure it was some time around 6 AM - I'm almost positive...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday 4 - Home Sweet Home

  Welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4where we hope you will stretch your mind, your imagination and your friendships online by sharing a bit of yourself with others.This week the subject is Your Home .1. What kind of home do you have and does it need repair or improvements this...

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Blog update

After blogging all over the place for many years, I find myself back on blogger. I just merged several old, old blogger blogs and so the posts here are all over the place in terms of time, topics, and the pseudnyms of my kids.  I've reverted to the Little Women ones I loved so long ago, when I had four "Little Women" of my own. Well now they are no longer little! And there is a not so little...

Well then

I was playing an online game when the advertisement below was put up on the side bar:I don’t know about you, but never in my life have I ever said, “You know what? I want to look like a glazed donut.” 😂 Or put snail slime on my face, for that matter, LOL.Happy Sunday my friends! May you all have...

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Some of the following links may be affiliate linksTuck Everlasting – Natalie Babbitt5 stars – I thoroughly liked this one, a story about a young girl and a family trying to hide a secret – they can live forever. I can’t quite say loved, as I have loved other books, but I liked it enough to give it...

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Note to Self

I’m having so much fun with the Magnetic Poetry webpage – I can’t remember who shared it but I will come back and edit when I do. (Edit: It was KL Caley in this post.)This poem was made with the page linked above, but if you look on the Magnetic Poetry page up near the top you will see links for other...

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Things I'm loving right now

~one~BattleBotsHubby is into the engineering and physics of it all, remembers all the details of the teams and fights. I just love seeing the bots crash into each other and fly around the battle box.some affiliate links follow ~two~Tuck Everlasting – I’m only a tiny way in but already I love her writing...