Monday, November 30, 2009

A quick fill in

Long time no blog, huh.

I've composed many posts in my head, only to A) think they were stupid when I had time to sit down and write, or B) never have time to sit down and write.

In the last few weeks, my dh's business was bought out by another company, leaving his job in danger for who knows how long until the waters settle. I don't like living with an anvil over my head.

It's also put our house hunting on the shelf indefinitely. Wouldn't want to move now if we are going to be jobless and/or need to move again for another job in another area. This is a blessing in disguise, as I can see how God is using it to further detach me from things, including this house or any particular house. Now, if only I could get dh to detach us from this nasty carpet and kitchen, I'd be all set, LOL.

Last week, on Thanksgiving, my grandmother passed away. She was 96 and it was truly a blessing. My dad is on overdrive with stress though, which is bad for both my mom and dad, so I am worried for them. I'm extremely thankful that we got to see my grandmother the Monday before she died, as she lived several states away and we had not seen her since she had been moved to a nursing home.

School wise, there are some big shake ups on the horizon. Have you ever felt like you were waking up from a long, crazy dream? That is how I feel right now, with my youngest being 2 and no pregnancies on the horizon. I feel like I'm seeing things more clearly all of a sudden. Seeing that I'm really NOT a Waldorfy person, that I only WANT to be one. But I cannot make myself one (it's like trying to make me Martha Stewart, lol). So back to the drawing board on academic style ponderings... I read the Latin-Centered Curriculum a few weeks ago, and it really resonated with me, although I don't think we would do everything he says. It's not so far from where I started all those years ago - in neo-classical education. Kind of like going back to my blog name of A Call to Adventure, which I started back then.

Here's something totally unrelated - my dd is doing an experiment, and she wants to know why a piece of ice melts faster in water than in the air, when the water was colder than the air. I have NO idea. I'm sure my dh does, but I'm guessing someone else will know before he gets a chance to read this. :)

OK, back to homeschooling - I just ordered Latina Christiana I, and Classical Writing Aesop A for my oldest two. They are both below their "age" level, but we are working with a dyslexic and a student who thinks ANY work that requires thinking is akin to torture. So I think it's a wise decision to start slow, but go deep.

I'm not sure if I'll drop Oak Meadow 6 history/english/art for my oldest - actually the plan before a few weeks ago was to let the 4th grader start 6 in January, since OM 4 didn't work for us (6 is set up differently). It's "fine," but it presents so many different things so quickly! Like a few weeks on Ancient Egypt, a few on Greeks and myths, a week each on Ancient Persia, Holy Land, etc, head is spinning and I feel like it's just throwing so many facts at us, but not going deep and learning/enjoying enough. I can't imagine spending months and months on one topic either, but there has to be some balance, right?

OK, my "quick" fill in post has turned long, and I am needed to put a tired toddler to bed. :) So I will say adios, and maybe have more thoughts for next time. Any thoughts/comments on any of this appreciated - I have missed my readers. :)


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