Monday, December 21, 2009

Multitude Monday

Long ago, in a blog far, far away, I once kept a gratitude list. I am feeling the need to get back into that. Ann's Multitude Mondays and 1000 gifts lists seem like the perfect vehicle right now.

Today I want to share a little story first. I had been bemoaning the fact that many of my friends in blogland were getting prayers answered - of the "God even cares about my littlest wants!" variety - and I was not. Of course, I was happy for THEM - I am always happy when my friends are pleased and giving glory to God. I was just envious, and feeling like God was overlooking my needs and wants.

Back up a few months, and you'll see us breaking our only two serving bowls (almost daily use items, here) and several lunch plates. We resorted to serving our dinners in a big plastic bowl we had, but I hated to put hot food in plastic due to any leaching that might occur. I went shopping several times, hoping to find something big enough to use for our family, and could not find anything. I guess I kind of gave up, and kept using the plastic. I kept praying to find something or be given something better. I kept waiting. Little thing, I know. And it's not that I couldn't spare the money, but I didn't have the time, nor do I enjoy purchasing something if there is a better alternative. I'm all about simplicity and NON-consumption here (homeschooling curriculum is my only weakness! LOL)

Fast forward to this weekend. We pulled our Christmas boxes out of storage, and I decided to use the snowed-in time to go through EVERY box we had in our small storage space. I found boxes of dh's old textbooks and notebooks. Lots of luggage. Two fans. And two boxes of what I thought were only a bunch of brandy snifters and old tea set that I had been given by my late maternal grandmother. As we had no need for those things, I unwrapped everything to check it's condition and was going to repackage it all to give to charity. So I'm unwrapping a brandy snifter...OK, another glass...teapot...wait, what is this? Plates? Hey, I remember these plates, they were from my mother-law! We packed them away because they were an extra set, and I forgot about them. So we now have enough plates for ourselves AND any company - I don't have to serve some of us on paper! :) And...wait for it...I found a beautiful, large, white SERVING BOWL. Yes, it's a punch bowl, but we don't care. It's our pasta bowl now. And I feel loved.

So with that I will renew my gratitude list.

I am grateful for my endless gifts...

1. A God who does show he cares in the little ways sometimes
2. A punch bowl pretty white serving bowl.
3. Some new-to-me plates
4. A beautiful snowfall
5. Strength to shovel the snowfall
6. Sun to warm my face
7. A husband to rub sore muscles
8. I've got to say it... Wii. The kids LOVE it.
9. Money to replace the breaking down things
10. My blog readers

...more to come...


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