Friday, December 18, 2009

Seven Quick Takes


I'm in too much of a hurry to find the nice graphic, sorry!


We are really enjoying some new curriculum here: Classical Writing (we're in the Aesop level, athough it is mostly too easy), and Michael Clay Thompson's Language Arts series. We're in the "Town" level there, if you are interested. Oh, and Latina Christiana is still holding their interest. I would add in reading The Burgess Animal Book for Children as science, but my 10yo hates it, lol. The others are happy. I love revitalizing the homeschooling mid-year, it gives us all a boost so we are less stir crazy stuck in the house.


Prayers appreciated for dh who has a very difficult meeting today. He said to me on the way out today, "Well, happily after today I have *at least* two weeks off. *At least* being the operative words there." My dh always tries to see the bright side of things.


Except when he has presents to wrap. It's funny that after 17 years together I can still learn things about my dh. He mentioned the other day that he disliked wrapping presents, and last night I found him sitting amongst a bunch of scattered rolls of paper, looking totally forlorn. He wasn't kidding! Good thing I enjoy it even though I still wrap like a 3rd grader. One more way that we make one perfect person together.


We are not doing much for Advent this year, and I refuse to feel guilty about it. This weeks guilt inducers are the lovely O Antiphon activities popping up all over blogland. The kids will be lucky if I write the O Antiphons on the chalkboard and show how they spell ERO CRAS ("tomorrow I come") backwards. Although that is a little too reminiscent of trying to play Led Zepplin albums backward as a child, listening for secret messages! LOL


There is no six.


Snow! Late tonight a snowstorm is supposed to move in. Could be a white Christmas after all!

For more 7 Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


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