Monday, December 07, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, December 7th

Outside my window...
It is crisp (read COLD) and partly cloudy, with some entertaining birds flying circles over the neighbor's house

I am thinking...
That my children talk entirely too much while attempting to do work. Here it is almost 4PM and my oldest JUST finished her work. Not because she has too much, but because they spend 15 minutes out of every 30 on conversational rabbit trails "inspired" by their work. For example, one dd had a math problem involving an invented "water chair" like a water bed. Her query of "What's a water bed, Mom?" led to 12yo and 10yo discussing all sorts of weird stuff..."what if it broke?" "you'd drown" "Ow, that would hurt" ad nauseum. Every few minutes someone says something that starts them down another path... *sigh* I'm trying to point out to them that they'd actually have free time in CHUNKS if they would just do work when it was work time, and chat later!

Is it ironic that this daybook section on "talking to much" is my longest one? Perhaps the nuts don't fall far from the tree...

I am thankful for...
My patient dh
my parents are taking an awkward situation well
the sun peeking out
two UPS deliveries
new curriculum
that we are actually getting some work done!

I am wearing...
My PMS clothes - comfy sweatpants and a nice, warm, dark sweater

I am remembering...
my grandmother
how much fun it is to learn a new language (or maybe I'm strange)

I am going...
to be very cold on Thursday. The power company is shutting down all power to our area for at least 6 hours. We'll see if they can pull it off in under a day!

I am currently reading...
The second edition of The Latin-Centered Curriculum
The teachers manuals for Latina Christiana and Classical Writing Aesop
Parenting From the Inside Out

I am hoping...
that I can remember all the little gift ideas that are popping into my head lately

On my mind...

From the learning rooms...
All our rooms are learning rooms. :) We are enjoying our new subjects, Latin and writing. Teaching DVDs are my friends.

Noticing that...
our "Advent Wreath" is pathetic. I put it in quotes because it's really nothing half resembling an advent wreath. I had no wreath, I had no appropriately colored candles, so we stuck 4 white tea candles on a plate in order to keep our children's tradition alive of singing O Come O Come Emmanuel while lighting the Advent candles.

Pondering these words...
You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow. Matt5:38-42

One of my favorite things...
quiet, and our new Wii that makes all the kids come running so I can sit in another room in peace for 10 minutes

For more daybooks, please visit Peggy!


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