Monday, January 18, 2010

52 Books in 52 Weeks: Book #3

Finally, a book I can plow through in a weekend. :) My kind of book in this stage of my life. I found Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange to be a fun, entertaining look into the mind of Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice fame. I'm sure it helps that I have been enamored by all things Pride and Prejudice lately. The language is a bit more modern than the original Pride and Prejudice (except for the large portions of actual text taken from P&P when quoting dialog). My only beef was the constant switching from past tense to present, due to it being a diary format where he was talking of past events (in past tense) and then simultaneously quoting the dialog of the event (in present). It made my head spin. I also don't think it would be the best stand alone book - a person would get MUCH more out of it had they read the original Pride and Prejudice first.

I guess it's not a "classic," and I am no real book critic, but I liked it. :)

For more on this book challenge, visit Robin's site: Read 52 Bookks in 52 Weeks.


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