Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Epiphany

I am regretting renaming my blog, LOL

No, that's not my epiphany.

My epiphany is this: I keep many things around the house...books, craft supplies, curriculum, etc, for that "just in case."

"What if my daughter wants to knit! I have a selection of yarn and needles right here."

"What if the mood strikes my younger daughter that she wants to read some American girl books. They're right here!"

"What if I (ahem) feel like we should change curriculm again. Hey, I've got a school supply store RIGHT HERE in my BOOKCASE!" LOL

By having everything at our fingertips, we can just move as the mood strikes us. Tired of playing this game, play another! Tired of reading this book, read another! Want to craft something, it's all there to mess with!

I'm not sure that's a good thing.

What if by keeping those things, I am preventing my children from living a more intentional life. If I pass along my fabric, yarn, craft supplies, extra books, clothes, etc to people who need them, when my children develop a desire to, for example, knit - my daughter will have to plan and think. Plan how to save for the yarn. Work for the yarn money. Figure out how to get me to drag all the kids to the craft store. Plan what to make. Wonder if it is really worth it, and if she really wants to do it at all.

Her actions will be more intentional, her product most likely a lot less disposable after all that effort. She will eventually learn to focus on the important and the enduring. Such a child will be ahead of the game when it comes time to run her own household, and her own spiritual life.

I think that's a good thing.


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