Monday, March 15, 2010

A bunch of random nonsense (warning, a little gross for the senstive types)

I don't think this will even be organized enough to call it "7 Quick Takes" -- you've been warned. :)


My lack of blogging lately has less to do with that sinking depressive feeling (not that it's gone, mind you) and more to do with business. I've been crocheting a pretty afgan (the pretty hexagonal one that Jennifer shared...sorry I can't find the link). I'm about half done and quite proud of myself - I never get this far with larger projects. I apparently just knit/crochet to keep myself busy, not produce anything! Anyway, I have yet to figure out how to type and crochet at the same time, so I've been watching Lost reruns while crocheting instead.


In between crocheting bouts and LOST episodes I've been caring for my sick family. We had one with a stomach virus (possibly two), three with bad colds, and again this morning someone went down with a stomach thing. Please pray for her, she is my tiny 7yo and has no weight to spare. Blessedly, I just looked in on her and she seemed a bit perkier. Thank you God. I'm blogging right now as an outlet-type-sanity-measure-thingy. :)


How I know switching my 10yo back to Seton was a good thing? Several spontaneous outbursts of "Oh Cool!" from her while reading her workbooks and a sharing of something she learned in her history book during dinner. Both very unlike her.


Now that I've got her settled I'm panicking about my dyslexic/etc 12yo. We're reaching the middle school/early high school years here folks. AAHAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I'm constantly second guessing myself, wondering just how many "accomodations" I should give her for school work... I mean, I don't want her to just "get away with" using a calculator or being read to or transcribed for, I want her to work hard! I don't know where the real line is for her between "laziness" (and yes there is some) and real disability. I wish I knew what successful dyslexics in high school and college were allowed to do to help them -- my google searches are bring up nothing helpful. I want to hear real stories, as in, "I'm a doctor now and my mom wrote all my papers in college!" LOL


Then there's the whole unschooling thing. I tried that briefly again with aforementioned 12yo and she panicked at the lack of structure. But then she hates structure when I do it. We discussed making a list of things she can choose from, and working for a set # of hours each day. I think that might work. Now I just have to come up with the lists!


I'm hoping that eating large quantities of chocolate chips will keep me from catching the stomach virus my 7yo has.


We were supposed to go see another house this weekend - a 5br short sale. Affordable, big enough, close enough to work but still in the "country," a stream and weeping willow in back yard. Realtor called a few hours before our scheduled time to say that someone just put in an offer and it was under contract. I will say it was nice to have some free time that busy afternoon instead of trekking around looking at houses.

We are also not so sure we *should* move anymore, at least to something more expensive - a relative is having severe money problems and we could help them a lot if they would let us. But that means we stay put, which might just kill me. :-P On the other hand, this house hunting isn't doing me any good mentally either, right???


Uh oh, my 2yo isn't looking too good. I was hoping the younger set (i.e. the kids that can't make it into the bathroom or handy-dandy bowl on time) would avoid this stomach thing. Only white foods for him from now on! ;-)


I'm hoping that the Easter season will be easier than this Lent has been. I can almost handle this suffering if I know it is a Lenten thing and will END in a few weeks!


Here's a funny from the past: A few years ago we were eating lentil soup at the beginning of Lent and trying to have a discussion on what we would give up/sacrifice...which led my 12yo to continually accidentally say "Lentil Resolutions" instead of Lenten.


Guess I need to go get the 2yo away from his sisters on the computer and put him down for a nap. I'm going to hit post, or I *know* I will come back and delete this whole thing. But I need the vent, and need the connection that knowing my friends are out there reading and praying, so here I go...


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