Tuesday, March 16, 2010

With the 10 minutes I have before LOST

...more house hunting woes. Or not. Only time will tell!

Had a long talk with my parents today. They are the ones with the money trouble I've been hinting at, and they are no longer able to afford their home (condo). They'll have to short sale at the very least. I'm sharing this A) no one reads my blog anyway and anyone that does most likely won't meet my parents, B) 99% of my readers are really good people and even if they did meet my parents they wouldn't judge them for bad money skills, and C) I'm not saying anything bad about them. In fact, I'm done talking about them and on to the real subject of this post, which is about ME, LOL, and only sort of about them.

So dh and I have been talking about what this means for us and our house hunting. My parents *could* move into an apartment somewhere, but seriously, all the local affordable apts would make them miserable...small, old, have to climb steps (hard for my mom), crazy apartment life, etc etc. So it looks like we (dh and I) have a few options. Since we are not rolling in the dough either, helping them would mean quite the sacrifice on our parts. We could stay here (which might kill me, lol) and buy their condo, charging them rent. We may not even be allowed to do this as it is an over-55 place and we don't know if we can buy it, being the spring chickens we are (cough, cough). OR, we could find a place with an in-law apartment downstairs. Which might kill me, LOL. Seriously, I'm losing my mind here, and I don't know which is worse, staying here in a 1200ft/small yard/no garage/4 girls in one 9x11 room place, or living with my parents under me!

If we pick plan B (in-law), we did find a potential nice place online. There are so many good things about it. Strange thing is, it's right next door to dh's boss!!! We both like him and his wife, but isn't that weird? What are the odds that that would happen?

It's funny, every time I pray a novena to St. Joseph strange things like that happen. I'm sure it's a God thing. :)

Well, lost is almost on, so I'm outta here. See ya!


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