Monday, March 01, 2010


Enough people have asked what is up, and noticed that I'm not blogging much, that I thought I would post a little something. 

Really, I *have* been blogging. I come here on a regular basis...

...get 1/3 of a way into a post, hate it, and delete it. I've even done it to this post so far, after a promise to "post this one no matter what" LOL

I think I'm having emotional issues ever since weaning Jeffrey.  I'm OK with the weaning part, but I think the hormonal change has thrown me more off kilter than ever.  I don't seem to care about ANYTHING and I'm convinced no one really cares about me either (I know, I know...).   Gotta love a melancholy with hormonal issues, lol. 

I come here and type, and it all just sounds so stupid (and whiny).  And fake.  How do you write anything lighthearted about homeschooling or knitting or whatever when what you really want to do is write HELP ME I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE and cry again.  But you don't, because you don't want people to think you are being over dramatic (you don't feel that you are), you don't want people to say "there she goes again!",  you don't want people to worry and think you are going to do something to hurt yourself (you're not, even though you DO want it all to end).

So I don't say that.

Therefore I don't blog much. ;-)

Ok, that being off my chest, I can blabber about homeschooling a bit.

I should title this "the more things change the more they stay the same."   Despite me trying to wrangle things to fit MY preferences about homeschooling, I'm back to seeing that my oldest is very creative and unschooly, and my second really, really wants to just go off by herself and fill out workbooks and be DONE.  I've been trying so hard, for years, to make them work together because really they are at the same stage/level in so many things.   But they are SUCH different people.

Part of me didn't want to "give in" to my 10yo's ways, because (long story short) in some ways I feel like I'm feeding her vices.  To want to be alone, to want to just get it done, to want to do things without thinking too hard.  But she is only 10, only in 4th grade, and she does have a distinct learning style...that I am working against right now with all my reading aloud.

So I did it - I sold a bunch of curriculum that I don't feel right using anymore, and with it I spent a small fortune at Seton.  Workbooks, here she comes.  Yes, I know it's MARCH and our year should be winding down, but really I work on an approximately April to April school year (that's when our review is for our Homeschooling Umbrella School, and I start fresh after it) I'm not too far off of that. I'm just considering it review/next years work. Or something.

OK, I'm going to push post. Then maybe I'll come back in the near future with something real to say. But for now, this is what you get.  Thanks to all of you who read and care. XOXO


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