Thursday, September 09, 2010


Here is a nice article by Mary Hasson on doing your best.  Great little article.  Only one problem.


Or maybe not just me.  Can any perfectionist read this article and take anything away from it?  If you are a recovering perfectionist, please let me know how you did it.

I read these words about doing your best and letting God take care of the rest and think, "Oh how beautiful and wise! Yes!" and then my next thought is my constant thought... but what is my best? Can't I always do better?

For as long as I can remember, I have never thought I was ever "doing my best."   A person can always push a little harder, do a little more, right?  Or even a lot more?  If there is no end to human potential, then "doing my best" when seriously, I'm only doing about 68% of my best just seems like a lie, even if it is A LOT to be doing 68% of "my best."

I could always stay up later, sleep a little less, work a little harder, be a little nicer than I am.


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