Monday, September 13, 2010

Vacation Ups and Downs

Up:  Early morning at the beach

Up: Leah asking "Do they speak English here?" (we were only a few hours from home)

Up: Staying in a townhouse with a great kitchen so we could cook our own meals (allergies)

Down:  Me having to cook all our own meals ;-)

Down: Leah falling down the stairs

Down: Leah getting knocked down and spun over by the waves (seeing a trend?)

Down: Dh's back hurting all week

Up: great weather

Up: Jeffrey putting his head in my lap and generally acting scared during a 20 minute tram ride, then coming back to the townhouse and telling dh "I liked it!!"

Up: Juliet swimming 2 miles over the course of the week

Up: Mass with the locals on the Blessed Mother's birthday.  Looked like two homeschooling families were there (and about 100 people over 70)  :)  

Down: Killing a GINORMOUS spider in the bathtub.

Down (or up depending on who you are asking):  Jeffrey spending every spare moment playing Wii.

Up: Grace losing a tooth (someone always loses a tooth on our vacations, we had to keep up the trend)

Up: Coming home to our own house.

Down: Leaving the beach  (it felt like something deep in my soul got torn off)


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