Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Self esteem and abortion

Dh and I often "joke" (I know, it's not a funny subject) that if you give us any evil in the world, we can somehow trace it back to contraception and/or abortion. Sometimes its convoluted, like playing a game of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon," but we are always successful.

Today several sources online bemoaned the lack of self-esteem in our young. It's rampant.  While there can be many reasons for that, I can't help but think that growing up knowing that you as a child/human are so worthless that you "could" have been aborted if it was inconvenient for your parents to have you -- it's got to affect a person. And not in a good way.  Trust me, as an adopted person I know what it's like to grow up knowing you were an inconvenience and one step away from being killed.  

I mean, we are either ALL important enough to be saved, to be allowed to live, or *none of us are.*  When you teach kids that *none of us are* because some of us "are not"...well, you are going to get what you pay for.

I'm going to keep comments open, but I'm not up for a debate (time or energy wise), so I'll be deleting anything that is just there to start one. Thanks for understanding.


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