Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A month of Thanks...

For yesterday (because I'm always a day late and about $60K short, lol):

1. For beautiful (if chilly) weather and a chance to spend a little time with distant friends

2. ...the chance to serve my husband in love

3. ...a supermarket full of food and even dairy free chocolate chips

4. ...that we weren't late for a class even though I missed an exit and had to drive far out of my way

5. ...I've gotta say it: for Reece's Peanut Butter cups, that I only allow myself once a year (family allergies)

For today:
1.  For Sarah who always, always has a kind word for me, even though I visit her space daily, mute - not knowing how to add to the beauty of her space.

2. ... my soft brown shirt that always makes Jeffrey rub my arm and say, "I love you shirt Mommy"

3. ... our school/chore charts that allow me to be less of the "bad guy" and more of the "director of studies"

4.  ...for my patient Savior (shouldn't this have been first???).  Late have I loved Thee...

5. ...for autumn leaves, so beautiful


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