Friday, November 19, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes

Dh has all of next week off. I'm both thrilled and terrified. I don't do well with big changes in my routine. Or holidays. Or having relatives over. Hmmm,  I think I'm in trouble.

LOL, my dd needs to see this after saying "tooken" at dinner last night.

h/t: Deb


It's time for me to join the Domestic Church Slackers Union. All others that feel this way (and even if you don't) read this post from Red Cardigan.


We're having a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving this year. It's dd's birthday, and she asked for lasagna instead of turkey. We can't fit both in our oven, so lasagna it is! Add in some garlic bread, maybe salad, and cupcakes and it's enough to make my father twitch and beg my mom to bring over a cooked turkey rival any Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Good thing I *like* Charlie Brown, AND lasagna.


Really wishing this was called FIVE quick takes because that is all I can ever come up with.


I'm sure most of you have seen this, but I'll share anyway just in case.


Next week I enter the first day of many years of uncharted territory. I will be the parent of a teenager! I'll be a parent of a teenager (or 4) for the next 16 years.


For more Seven Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary! (and pray for her too, she is under the weather!)


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