Thursday, November 18, 2010

20 Q

You guys ever played the handheld game 20Q?  It's like an electronic Twenty Questions game where you think of something, and it asks you questions that you can answer "yes", "no",or "sometimes" to.  It then guesses what it "thinks" the answer is.

So for fun dh thought of me as his "thing" - after 20 questions the 20Q guessed I was a bouquet of flowers. Then when he told it it was wrong, it guessed yogurt.  He tried it with each of our children and answers were a little more accurate - one said "daughter," another "girlfriend" and "human body."

So the girls convinced me to do it with dh as my idea in question. I thought great, this will be funny!  Twenty questions later, 20Q came back with "soulmate."

This thing is good.


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