Friday, November 12, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes

1. Can it be Friday already? Dh took a day off yesterday and I'm all discombobulated. Yesterday felt like Sunday, so today must be Monday, right?

2. Yesterday my 2nd born dear turned ELEVEN! A good day was had by all, although it was quiet. I did get to take her out to eat for lunch. I *love* taking my non-allergic kid out to lunch. NO WORRIES! And I even get to have some leftovers today. Now we gear up for the birthday of my oldest in two weeks, when she will turn 13. *faint*

3. We are starting our study of Asia in Social Studies/History. I can't put my finger on why, but I've always had a place in my heart for Asian culture and people. So I can't wait to delve into this study with my kids! Sonlight Core 5 readers/read alouds and random stuff from my own shelves will make up the bulk of it.

4. Soccer season is over. Wait, I need to shout it. SOCCER SEASON IS OVER!!!! Woo hoo!! So that means that on weekends I'm not getting 5 children 6 places, I'm only getting 3 children (sometimes 5, depending on how dh is feeling) 3 places. Much better. :-P

5. THIS has been life in our house since Halloween. I finally took the candy away just in time to have a birthday filled with cupcakes.

6. Am I the only person who doesn't want to take 5 kids (from almost 13 to just turned 3) into a city to go to museums by myself, even kid friendly ones like a science museum, children's museum, or aquarium? Because if I just need to get over myself and do it, I will, but if everyone else would shudder at that thought, then I don't feel so bad.

7. Seriously, why are we doing 7 quick takes on a Monday? ;-)

For more Seven Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


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