Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I accidentally wrote "thanksful" in the title, but decided I liked it!

Skipped a day yesterday,  ungrateful soul that I am, LOL.  Seriously though - I was thankful, just busy!

...thankful that I had time and strength to do a major "straighten-up" yesterday. Best part? My parents invited themselves over for today after I cleaned (they didn't know) and now *I'm done* and don't need to straighten for them!

...that dh had a slightly better day at work yesterday.  It's been baaaaaad.

...that he appreciates all I've been doing lately to help him.

...I'm seeing a little gray in a place where I was unhealthily only seeing black and white

...I've got this running list of complaints/issues I'm dealing with. It's getting long, lol!  But I'm thankful that it seems to be helping.  I can go to the list, vent my soul, and mostly *drop it there* and get on with my life.

...that my 2nd born will be 11 tomorrow. E-le-ven! When did this happen??  (Don't even get me started on my oldest turning 13 in two weeks). cute Jeffrey is when he's running or dancing.  Three year old boys are so funny!


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