Tuesday, December 07, 2010

God's will

I am always pondering what God's will looks like in the life of a homeschooling mother.  Of course I understand that the things God places in my path are His will ... the daily interruptions and illnesses, and good things too of course like phone calls from a friend, a gift in the mail, an email from Jennifer sharing this great book... but I'm getting ahead of myself. :)   I always wonder, though, when I need to make an action, a choice, where is His will?  What do I chose? What should I do?

So I was excited to read in the Google Books preview of the above mentioned book, In Conversation With God: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany by Francis Fernandez, the following quote (the link takes you to the page I start quoting on, not the title page of the book):

God's Will is intimately bound up in meeting each day with a loving smile, with the fulfillment of our duties no matter how difficult they are and, with the help, both supernatural and human, that we give to those at our side.
I think that could keep me busy for quite a while...

Lots to meditate on in that simple passage, and indeed the whole book.

The whole mediation after that was also particularly timely for me, but not so much the point of this post so I will stop here - you can read it yourself if you desire! It's about accepting the Will of God even when it hurts.

Thanks again to Jennifer for pointing me towards that book.


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