Monday, December 06, 2010

Multitude Monday

Today I'm thankful for -

~intercession of the saints, on Earth and in Heaven

~St. Nicholas' Day...especially the fact that my kids didn't mind it was totally lame.  Honestly, they didn't even remember at all and were excited to see shoes and a few coins and candy lined up in the morning.

~St. Andrew's Novena. I know I keep saying it, but it is one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever prayed. This one is a close second

~Finding some things that really seem to be working for my oldest academically.  Days only *plod* along now, instead of coming to a screeching halt when math/reading/spelling/anything come out.  Specifically, Apples and Pears Spelling and the "Key to..." math workbooks followed by Life of Fred.  Historical fiction for most of history. Lots of talk.

~That the children all decided to go in on one big group/family gift for all of us (Wii Fit). Fun for us and SO much easier than hunting down 25 dollar store type junk gifts for each kid to give each other kid.

~I have the best dh in the world. He knows I'm struggling and is trying so hard, with all his other concerns, to make me know I'm loved.  And it's hard - I can be hard to love and it's especially hard for me to believe another really loves he must be *really* trying for me to feel it. ;-)

~Jotham's Journey. Even though I know how it ends now, I still enjoy every minute of it (well, maybe not the minutes where my preschooler is screaming and wrestling with another child because he wants the pencil she is drawing with...)

~Advent. I love the quiet anticipation.  My whole life is a searching, even in my dreams, and at least in Christ I know that come Christmastime I've found what I'm looking for.

~Amazon Prime. While I would never actually pay for it (I got it free for several months by signing up with Amazon Mom), I am so thankful for the free 2-day shipping this year.

~hair dryers.  If the world goes to heck in a handbasket and we don't have power anymore, I think this is one of the things I will miss the most.  I can wash clothes by hand, dry them on a line, cook on a fire, but I look STOOPID when my hair air dries. ;-)

Happy Multitude Monday/St. Nicholas Day, everyone!


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