Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...the little dusting of snow we got has melted, but the winds did knock down some tree branches. I'm always tempted to go out and cut them up for blocks to play with. Not like we need *more* stuff in the house.

I am thinking...that it's a good thing we got Wii Fit for this after holidays time! Although it's been kind of counter-productive to eat a cookie then burn off only 13 calories with an activity that totally kicked your behind and MUST have done more than that, right? I do feel the sorely needed endorphins though.

I am thankful for...
my patient and loving dh, Wii Fit

From the learning rooms... I didn't intend to take a break, but it seems like we are. I guess we all do need it. I'm excited to start back though...you know, that New Year's Resolution High.

From the kitchen... lots and lots of random leftovers. Anyone want 20 servings of squash?

I am wearing...clean-the-house-clothes: holey sweats and a t-shirt/button down denim shirt combo

I am creating...peace in my soul. I've got about 99.98 percent of the way to go! It's progress! :)

I am going...to do the dishes and put laundry away as soon as I hit post. Really.

I am reading...Adoptees Come of Age by Ronald Nydam. If you want to know what goes on in my head, read this book. Except for the chapter about s@xual attraction to your natural family. Eww. Although from reading the book I can understand why it would happen. But no.

I am hoping...to find a wee bit of motivation to clean

I am wondering...why Windows 7 keeps doing weird things, like making the text on the screen WAY big, or putting me in incognito mode when I haven't touched anything. I think I'm hitting the mousepad with my hands, apparently just at the right time to completely mess with my mind.

I am hearing...ticking. I think dd is playing Wii Music.

Around the house...post Christmas explosion. I have to at least clean up the kitchen before my parents come over tomorrow!

One of my favorite things... my new haircut! Dh did it yesterday, and boy did it need it. Every time I walk by I can tell he is proud of his work :)

A few plans for the rest of the week:
A date! A date! A date! (just one date)(God willing).
Ring re-sizing. My fingers have gotten fat.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Sorry, no pictures on this laptop yet. Working on it!

For more daybooks, please visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook.


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