Monday, December 27, 2010

The Year in Review

Last year about this time I copied many bloggers in making a "year in review post" for 2009.  I enjoyed doing it last year so here I am again!  I know I'll have much less to say this time, as I don't think I blogged much of anything of note this year!!

January 2010
 - I started a 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge...and bombed miserably just two weeks later!
- I blathered on about schooling, and nothing has changed. I still don't know what I'm doing.
-Jeffrey weaned. :(
-I gave thanks.

Feb 2010
-still house hunting (which we did all the previous year too)
- I turned 41 and Grace turned 7
-we had a blizzard

March 2010
-house hunting takes a strange turn which has since changed back and may flip yet again (but oh please God no)

April, May, I didn't blog! Ack! Leah did turn 5 in May.

June 2010
- I found mulberry trees in our backyard and something strange was using our garden as a bathroom
-I realized how much weight I had been gaining (and it hasn't exactly stopped. Ahem.)
-I continued to be confused about schooling
-Dh joined me in old age :)

I didn't blog in July either

August 2010
-ummmm, not much exciting happened here either.  Dh did hire a lawnmower guy! That was cool. :)

Sept 2010
- The Blessed Virgin Mary sent me a surprise
- we went on a vacation
-Jeffrey turned 3. THREE!

Oct 2010
-I realized I probably could be accomodating for Juliet's dyslexia better than I was (am)...and could do it without guilt that I was somehow "cheating".
- I spent what was hopefully our last visit with the vaccine nazi.

November 2010
- Lots of thanks giving.
- Maggie and Juliet turned 11 and 13, and we all became odd, and prime!
-I found out that dh was my soulmate...and I was his yogurt.
-lots of stuff I'd rather forget

-St Andrew Novena!  I don't think I missed one day! I've never been able to pray a whole long novena before w/o missing one. Fat lot of good it did me, though...
-I thought a bit about God's will (linked and elsewhere)
-Stiiiiiilllllll house hunting. Just shoot me, OK?

And that brings us to today!  Now that it's the end of the year, I was thinking about a "word" or phrase for 2011. Something I want to be my focus.  I thought about TRUST...but I don't want to prod God into putting 1000 situations in my life where I have to learn to trust Him more, YKWIM? I'm already at my brink.  It's like praying for patience.

Maybe I should just make my word MONEY, ANSWERED PRAYERS, or MIRACLES, lol.


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