Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook - PG-13 version ;-)


Outside my window... it was almost warm today! Still snow in patches on the ground. We all laughed to watch two pigeons walking in circles on the roof of a diner while we stopped at a red light.  Then my oldest exclaims, "One is standing on top of the other!, I think they are mating."  Science lesson for the day! :)

I am thinking... about wanting a home, a true home. A place I *want* to be, a place that is comfortable and welcoming for me and my family. How much I need this! I know I'm supposed to be content where I find myself, but for many reasons I feel I must heal and become "real" by making a decision, *choosing* my surroundings, being a grown up. :) 

I am thankful for... a good dentist report for all four girls.

I am wearing...  oh, can I just say what I was wearing earlier when I went out? Now it's sweat pants.   So much more comfortable for kid wrastlin' these days. 

I am remembering...  bad things. I need to STOP that!

I am going...  out with friends this weekend for our fake book club, Lord willing! Rare that I get out for a non-chore activity. It's a fake book club because we do read the book, but only talk about it for 5 minutes and spend the rest of the time catching up with each other!

I am currently reading... re-reading Covenanted Happiness for FBC (fake book club)

I am hoping... that no one else catches the slow moving stomach virus that has hit us, that I get another night of sleep! One was blessed but not enough.

On my mind... points, chores, tasks, rewards: we have instituted My Job Chart.  It has lit a fire under my kids... definitely a post coming on this in the near future.

From the learning rooms (i.e. the whole house)...
We've put the daily schoolwork on My Job Chart and it is getting done better than ever. Still need to convince certain children (a.k.a. all of them)  to get started and keep at it, but now they see some end to it and tangible rewards to boot.   I'm thinking much about my goals for these precious souls, and how to reach them.   Worrying about next year!  Wondering why one particular child can.not. keep focused on anything for more than a nano-second.

In the kitchen...  dishes need to be washed, floors need to be cleaned.  Nothing exciting for dinner, but last night was a yummy "clean out the fridge" soup:  homemade chicken broth, tiny pasta, diced turnips and cabbage, carrots, and celery.  

Around the house... the kids are doing well with their new chore system (see above) but I need a fire lit under ME.  *Seriously* thinking of using the point system in My Job Chart for MYSELF.    Obviously, having a clean house is not enough motivation, but if I can earn enough points (i.e. money) to donate to my favorite charity and or buy myself a camera, I think it might swing me into high gear. Maybe.  Possibly my gears have been broken for some time.

One of my favorite things...hearing my children all laughing together.

From my picture journal...
ugh, still no new pictures on this computer. See above note about "new camera"!

(I apologize for this unedited version - gotta run and won't post if I think about it too much!)


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