Thursday, February 17, 2011

Continuing my thoughts -it's not all on me

Yesterday I talked about it being OK to be weak because then God can do the best work.  Today's thoughts feel like an extension to that for me -  not only is it OK to be weak, but because we are all gifted differently, I am not expected to be everything.

I was feeling guilty lately because I didn't think I was doing enough:  to evangelize, to help the poor, to be the kind of Christian I thought everyone was called to be.  The pressure to do this on top of the 1,000 other things I was failing at was (and is, I'm not *there* yet) crushing me. Seeing Jen's recent post on the state of the Church around the world really made it stand out:  there are few of us workers, and we have a huge job to do!  It is so big a job, it paralyzed me.

But I came across a few passages on spiritual gifts and it really hit me: I am not SUPPOSED to do everything.  Even the apostles/disciples sent *some* people out to other lands, and it was OK that some stayed home and made money to support them!  Or to stay home and take care of their kids!  We are all gifted differently...sometimes I even wonder if women were intended to be addressed in many of these verses.  Is Paul talking to all of us? Or is he talking to the MEN who I feel in general are *made* to go out and conquer for Christ, to make the money for the poor, etc.

Maybe it's OK that my sphere is ONLY my family. Maybe the blood of the unbelievers will not be on my hands because it wasn't my job in the first place to talk to them (outside my small sphere of influence, I mean). Maybe it's not sin that all I do is cook, clean, and teach my OWN and not branch out.  I really don't know.  But  according to what I know about myself:  I'm a true and lifelong introvert, I've been told I have strengths in administration behind the scenes,  I enjoy teaching but only one-on-one or really small groups -- maybe this is EXACTLY what God has set me here to do, and nothing more.  And it's OK.

Maybe.  :)



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