Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ash Wednesday Epiphany

It has nothing to do with Lent, better bloggers than me would have found some way to bring them together, lol.

This morning I was reading King of the Golden City to the little girls.  I *love* this book. I always feel closer to Jesus after reading it and understanding more about this "land of exile" we inhabit. (the page linked above also has a free study guide link for anyone interested).  We stopped at a part where they were talking about the little girl's Prince Guardian, a.k.a. her guardian angel.

So I went about my day afterwards trying hard to listen to my own Prince Guardian.  I felt led to clean the master bathroom, which sorely needed it, since the kids were happily occupied (a rare moment, lol).  It was strange though, at first it really "felt" like all I was to do was scrub the toilet and shower floor and then I could be done.  When done, however, I "inquired" again and felt that I should now declutter a little and clean the sink area and floor....this continued on until I was all done, getting my jobs a little at a time.   When I realized the bathroom was clean and was thinking about my guardian angel and God, I thought, "Wow, it's been nice having a little time with You both.  I really feel like we were together and communicating. I wish it could be like this all the time! Why not, Lord?  Why are you so distant with me?"   And I felt an answer - no real words or noises, but an answer in my heart.  "Do you see how you were only given a tiny job at a time, and you were thankful that you were not overwhelmed?  Do you see how easily you *get* overwhelmed? I know you.  I know that about you.  If I were to show myself more often you could not handle it."

Now THAT makes more sense to me than anything I have thought, heard, or read in a long time.

May you all have a blessed Ash Wednesday!


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