Friday, May 13, 2011

Brace yourself

This week, at 42 years old, I got braces for the second time. My choice, although highly recommended by my former dentist. LOL, he's not former because he recommended this torture, he happened to move to a different area of the state. :)

Looking on the bright side of all this:

1. In two years(!) I will have nice straight teeth again, Lord willing.

2. I have more to offer up now. Not the least of which is the mental audio of a kid getting sick behind me in the orthodontist's office, which keeps replaying in my head even though it was two days ago. *shudder*

3. I have renewed sympathy for pregnant women. Seeing these 2 years of torture stretch before me, I remember those first days of being pregnant...when I would look at the pregnancy tickers on my blog that said "ONLY 278 DAYS LEFT!!" ... and panic

4. I will hopefully lose a little weight.

5. On the flip side of that, the things I am finding to eat right now are mostly high fat and yummy...much easier to eat ice cream with sore teeth than a bunch of carrot sticks or even salad, YKWIM?

6. My husband has been giving me sympathetic looks and trying his best to go easy on me. Kids too.

7. It's a lesson in humility...seeing the odd looks when I smile...sitting in the ortho's office with 2 other women saying, "I did NOT want to be a 30 something mom with braces, so I got invisalign." Um, HI, I'm Amy, a 40-something mom who could only get the real deal braces. *smile* (owwww...)

8. I was bemoaning my grey hairs and wrinkles lately. But with this mouth I now look 13 again. ;-)

A wrinkled, grey 13. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think it must look delightful! But of course I don't have to wear them :-) I hope the pain goes away soon.


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