Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Is 4 PM close enough to "night"?

I said I would choose a winner for the I Believe in Love giveaway on Wednesday night, but I'm too excited to wait that long, LOL.

I'm such the popular blogger and facebooker that only 3 of your entered the givaway. (two here and one on facebook just fyi, because you can see that only two Jenn who already has the book...commented on my post of the other day).

I can't choose just one of you. So you all win. I'll contact you to get your addresses... I know where to find you mwahahahaha...

Congratulations to all of you and I hope the book blesses you the way it has blessed me.


  1. Wonderful :-) If I'd engaged my brain for a minute or two, I would have thought to promote your giveaway. But then, I might not have won the book, so I'm certainly happy!

  2. How fun, Amy :) You have more of a following than I do ;)

  3. I would have entered your giveaway too. If I hadn't just gotten a copy during lent. :)


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