Tuesday, August 16, 2011

T plus 1

We started school yesterday!  Surprisingly, a good day was had by all, despite a 1/2 hour trip into town for a Mass that wasn't there. :-P   Silly me didn't check first, but the church changed their schedule.  They have perpetual adoration at this church, so we did stay for a bit and went in by turns ... definitely not a wasted trip at all.  Got my 3yo JRA son in front of Jesus and begged for some healing.  Jeffrey was even quiet for a whole minute, lol.  We got out of there fast, on a good note.

As of now, this is how school looks:

Religion: Divine Office for all in the morning, sometimes followed by mom reading a CLAA Catechism lesson or discussing another church related topic.

Language Arts:  Lightning Literature 7 for the 13 and 11yos.    13yo has Apples and Pears Spelling.  11yo has CLAA Grammar 1.   *Possibly* Grammar 1 for the 8yo also but I have not signed her up yet (this is also a Latin course).  Seton English for the 8 and 6yos plus phonics for both in lieu of a spelling program. They can both read well.

Math:  We are getting through MUS Epsilon and Zeta with the 13yo as a review to start MUS pre-algebra this year (8th grade).   11yo is watching MUS videos while we wait for our Math Mammoth download to be sent.   She and the 8 and 6yo will do Math Mammoth at their own level.  11yo is also studying classical arithmetic, slowly, through the CLAA.

Science:  Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding for the 3 - 8yo crowd, and Apologia General Science for the older two.

Social Studies:  CLAA Chronology 1 for the older two (the 11yo is "enrolled" and takes the tests, the 13yo can't master it due to the LDs so she reads the lessons but that's it.).   For the younger two? Hmmm... at this point they are just listening to me reading the CLAA lessons aloud.  I do NOT want to make things more complicated but I do want them to do something good for them.

Random:  They watch all SORTS of educational things on Discovery Education Streaming and Netflix, and in particular are taking Elementary Spanish there.  Hmmm...I feel like I'm missing some major category here.   Do any of you have nightmares about getting to the end of homeschooling high school and having someone say, "You forgot to teach __(insert any major subject here)__!"

It is only Day 2, so I am NOT going to say that all is going well. It's going.  Ask me again in a month.  I am going to try harder this year to keep things rolling despite what life throws at us.

Break time over! My house somehow exploded all over itself while we were doing school, and my self-cooking oven is broken so I have to cook dinner. ;-)  Sigh!

Best of luck to all of you who are starting back with school soon.


  1. Seems to me it is going well because you started at all. Homeschooling can be soooo daunting!

    May I add my prayers that Jeffrey will be blessed with strength and healing.

  2. Glad to hear your first day went well! How do you get Discovery Channel Streaming? I was just looking around on the site but couldn't find anything obvious. Maybe it's because I was being bitten in the leg. I'm trying to keep up with my 8 yo non-reader's desire to learn. (Looks like we're starting vision therapy with another one!)

  3. LOL I just realized it sounded like my 8 yo was biting me because of his desire to learn! Actually it was my 14 mo old, and who knows what he wants...


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