Friday, July 29, 2011

Seven Quick Takes - whine with my dairy-free "cheese" edition

7 quick takes

I think I'm back to blogging, it's either get my thoughts out of my head or watch it explode. Don't say I didn't warn you.

My 3yo was officially diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis on Tuesday.  Since I already had my temper tantrum about it *before* I got the diagnosis, I think I'm handling it pretty well.   OK, I got teary in the supermarket when buying Glad Press 'n' Seal to put over the EMLA cream the doctor gave us for the multiple blood draws he'll need, but with 3 girls with multiple food allergies, crying in the supermarket is not new to me, LOL!    Jeffrey is pretty mild right now compared to what I've seen online, and he is starting a trial of the most mild medicine that has been known to help (Naprosyn).   We've seen some side effects but nothing awful yet.

Now every single one of our children has some kind of life-altering problem.  Thankfully, nothing severe at this point, unless you count all the severe food allergies, which are only a problem if you want to you know, eat.

Juliet:  alopecia areata, dyslexia and other LDs, ADD, allergic to eggs/peanuts, intolerant of other foods, eczema
Maggie: hearing loss, some "mental health" issues
Grace: allergic to dairy/egg, slow growth, ADD
Leah: allergic to eggs
Jeffrey:  juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

*of course* they also have many wonderful, wonderful qualities. But as their mom and "family manager," I am officially flabbergasted.

There is a silver (selfish) lining to all this - my dad, who for as long as I can remember has been *adamantly* against me searching for my birth parents (as in it would completely crush him emotionally) told me the other day, "I'll do whatever I can to help you find out information about your history."  This is huge.  Not like it's easy or even possible, being from a state where closed adoption records are still impossible to get to. But just the *mental* relief I feel that it is possible without crushing my dad is a big deal.

We tried to put an offer on a great house yesterday.  They denied it.  We can't budge any higher, they can't come much lower (w/o it being a short sale).   I'm sure it's meant to be.  At this point, after 2+ years of *seriously* house hunting, I was so done and just decided to stay where we are and make it work. Until...

...I remembered that the original owners of this house *also* had a child, their only, with a severe disease that eventually went on to take his life early (muscular dystrophy).   All six children (not to mention some of the adults!) who have lived here have been unhealthy/unlucky. I don't think it's the house, per say, as many of the "problems" are totally unrelated to each other. Perhaps something spiritual?  Either way,  I. AM. SO. OUTTA. HERE.

I feel some retail therapy coming on.  I've been looking at the BOSCH mixers.  Wow, they have really gone up in price since I first heard of them a handful of years ago.  I would want them to mix bread dough, primarily, since they can handle multiple loaves at a time...but now I'm thinking of doing a few month trial of gluten free for our family.   Has anyone used one or something similar for gluten free bread?    It's funny, with ALL that is going on I am most shaken up by the thought of removing gluten from our diet.   Give me back our eggs and dairy and I'd be happy (so to speak) to take away gluten.  Doing all while also trying to severely limit sugar?   HEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!   ;-)

Here ends my downer version of 7 quick takes. I don't *mean* to whine, it's just some of what's going on in our lives right now!

For more of this week's  7 Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


  1. So sorry to hear about the illnesses. That house sounds so creepy.

    Also take 4 is a HAPPY take. Not whiney.

    Here's to better times!

  2. 1. I'm so pleased to see you again, mainly because I hope blogging will bring you support from other people out here in the world who think you're pretty gosh darn great.

    2. I am so sorry about Jeffrey's diagnosis :-(

    3. I don't know how you manage. I never realised just how much you deal with. It would be exhausting to manage even one of those lists of symptoms, but five?! You are still breathing and appear still sane, therefore in my opinion you absolutely deserve a title of Super Mum!

    4. I am so glad to read this :-) And I don't want to offend you or your dad, but I am sorry you have had to live with that guilt. I'm glad his heart has opened to a more selfless perspective. Best wishes for finding your birth family! May God guide your search.

    5. I'm sorry the offer failed.

    6. Best of luck in finding a house where you feel safe and comfortable.

    7. I'm sorry about the gluten, but if nothing else your family must be some of the healthiest eaters around! :-)

    (None of this sounded like a whine, by the way.)

  3. So much going on. Glad you can see God's hand in it, overwhelming as it is. Have you considered moving up this way?

  4. I just wanted to comment on the mixer/gluten free bread issue. I took my family gluten free a month ago, and started baking bread last week. Turns out with a good recipe it's a lot easier than wheat bread, no kneading necessary (the kneading is all about developing the stretchiness of the gluten). Here's the recipe I like, you really don't need a mixer at all--just mix by hand in a mixing bowl:


  5. Thank you Sarah, that is good to know! Thanks for the recipe. :)


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