Thursday, December 15, 2011

Book Quotes - Crazy Love

From Crazy Love by Francis Chan

“I (Chan) spoke at a summer camp several years ago. Afterward, a number of students told me I was their ‘favorite speaker.’ It felt good to hear them talk about how funny and convicting my messages were. I loved it. I got back to my room and thanked God for helping me speak so well. About three minutes into my prayer, I stopped.  It hit me that the students were talking about me, not God. I was standing before a holy God and robbing him of the glory that is rightfully His.”

This is so convicting!  I keep hoping that I’ll “do something well” - that I’ll be the best at something, something beautiful to, in my mind, bring glory to God.  But if *I’m* naturally good at it, and wanting to soak in all that praise (even if it’s only my own head saying, yeahhhh, you’re goooood, lol) then how is GOD getting glory!   So it’s OK for me to be awful at everything. :)  How else can I tell people, I stink at this, but was successful anyway because it was alllll God.

“My suggestion as you think, make decisions, and discern how God would have you live your life is to ask yourself, “Is this the most loving way to do life? Am I loving my neighbor and my God by living where I live, by driving what I drive, by talking how I talk?”  I urge you to consider and actually live as though each person you come in contact with is Christ.”

OK, we are not *all* there yet, but dh and I have started asking ourselves in our talks on big subjects, “Where is the love? Which choice is the most loving?”   It can be hard, because it’s not always clear - sometimes, for example, in being the most loving to my kids I may hurt my parents or friends. And sometimes what is most loving is really hard because I don’t *want* to do that thing. At all.  But we try to see past the “feelings” people may have to thinking about what they truly *need*.   Only God knows if we are making the right decisions, but we’re trying.

“Oswald Chambers writes, “never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as He is with you.”  To that I would add, “Be careful not to turn others’ lives into the mold for your own.”  Allow God to be as creative with you as He is with each of us. ...We have a God who is a Creator, not a duplicator. He’s never made a Francis Chan before.”

Ohhh, I suffer from this, big time. I think the blogosphere and Facebook make it particularly difficult to fight.  I whine, “Why can’t I be as clear and inspiring as Elizabeth Foss, or take pictures and turn a phrase so beautifully (dear one, you express my mind and heart in ways I never could) as Sarah Elwell?    But there’s never been a “me” before, and God must know what He was doing, so He must have equipped me with what *I* need to do what *He* wants me to do.  And since *I* want to do what *He* wants me to do, it all must be OK.  Now to convince myself of that. :)

Hmmmm, I think my last quote contradicts my first quote, but I’m not sure what to make of that yet, lol.


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