Friday, December 16, 2011

Seven Quick Takes

7 quick takes


12yo leading 4yo down the stairs, "Let's go igmire the Christmas tree!" ( igmire is a family-joke word for admire)

4yo, hesitatingly, "Is that a ...bad thing?"


We didn't get the house we were bidding on.  Time will tell if we were silly to stick with our original offer or should have bumped it up just a little bit like we were thinking of doing.  Not like it matters now!

I think I knew deep in my heart that we weren't going to get it.  I get these feelings when something big in my future collides with my present.  I felt it when I met my husband, I felt it when I first drove to my current state to attend grad school, I felt it when I stepped into our current house.  It's like a burst of awareness, a feeling of things clicking into place, that sense of being "home".  That being said, I didn't feel it when I went to see the house we bid on.  And I don't feel it in our current house any longer. So we continue to look.  I am sure it is all for the best.

My children have recently discovered the Redwall series on Netflix.  Maggie, who in the past had been watching her sister devour the books, swore she would NEVER like Redwall, that it was stupid, that she hated talking animals and would never read them.   Now, she is totally smitten.  They beg to watch the show, make plays of their own, create new characters, talk about it all the time and were so disappointed when the library did not have the book they wanted today.


I bravely branched out from my usual "clear" and got red and green bands around my braces this month.  Thought I'd be childish festive! Orthodontist says my teeth are moving very fast and she's pleased with the progress.  One more year!


I'm addicted to Triple Town on Facebook.  Blame my kids, they think it is so cute and always ask me to play it.  My husband, who thought it was silly and would look at me funny when I said how much I enjoyed it, can now be found sneaking in games when I'm not looking. And even when I am.  He quickly became quite good because it's a strategy game, and he won't let it get the best of him.


My 6yo (excellent reader) loves the Faith and Freedom readers that we got through Seton years ago. She has read through all we have (5th grade I think?).  Any suggestions for similar Catholic/Christian/Moral readers like that?  She's also my child that balks at sitting down and schooling.  Ideas for killing two birds with one stone -  i.e. handing her something *good* she can read on her own that will teach her content areas would be great. She'd be happy she is reading and learning, and I'd be happy that math/science/history/health/art/music, etc are getting covered without tears.  (disclaimer: of course I'd still teach and discuss things with her - but the less I have to drag her to the table for a workbook the better - and dh wants 'tangible' schooling going on, not unschooling).


The "It's a Good Thing I Have a Sturdy Nightstand" list (in part):
The Allergen Free Baker's Handbook
Allergy Free Cookbook
The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book
Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic
From Grass to Gardens: How to Reap Bounty From a Small Yard
Gluten Free, Hassle Free
Growing At the Speed of Life: A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden
Living Gluten Free for Dummies
Special Diets for Special Kids Two
Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food

Sensing a trend?

Thank God for my local library.


  1. Sorry you didn't get your house :-( Hopefully an even better one will come up soon.

  2. For your 6 yo. I recommend handing her 50 Famous Stories (Baldwin), A Child's History of the World, and The Burgess Book of Animals/Birds/Seashore and letting her read to her heart's content. They have the same feel as the old readers and will give her plenty of good content.

  3. Those are great suggestions, Theresa - thanks!! I may even have some on my kindle so I can make the print bigger.

    And thanks for the condolences Sarah, I'm sure it was for the best (said with my best "fake smile" on, lol!)

  4. Rats about the house! I know just what you are talking about with the "it" factor. It's like the Holy Spirit just tells you. I knew my dh was "it" the moment I laid eyes on him.

    I got lots of other book suggestions! ;-)

  5. Bring 'em on, Jennifer!


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